Twenty-six cities have revived the debate Tuesday on the right of foreigners to vote in local elections, by signing an appeal to raise awareness among public authorities and public opinion on this subject. “We call solemn pledge to do everything possible to ensure that the right to vote and eligibility of foreign residents in local elections to be recognized,” write the mayors gathered in the Senate on the initiative of chief magistrate Strasbourg, Roland Ries (PS).

The call is signed by the mayor of Angers, Aubervilliers, Bordeaux, Besançon, Caen, Chelsea, Clichy-la-Garenne, Creil, Erstein, Grenoble, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, Les Ulis, Lille, Metz, Montbéliard, Nantes, Paris , Pau, Périgueux, Quimper, Reims, Rennes, Rouen, Saint-Denis, Strasbourg and Toulouse. March 30, 2010, members of the majority had unsurprisingly rejected a bill to give the socialist vote and stand for non-European foreigners in municipal elections.

Video – There is a “specific threat” in France, confirms Péchenard, the head of the police.

Frédéric Péchenard confirms the terror alert on French soil. The “peak threat is indisputable,” even insisted the executive director of the National Police on Wednesday on Europe 1.

The terrorist threat is real

“At this time, there exists a specific threat of French interests,” insisted the big boss of the police, based on “reliable information saying that there is a risk of attack.”

It is “neither more nor less but it is enough to largely increase a little bit our posture,” said Frédéric Péchenard, recalling that France is Vigipirate red for several years.

Vigipirate remains red

However, it is not to change the alert level of the hexagon. Vigipirate “Scarlet,” said Frédéric Péchenard means “an imminent attack” and then take “drastic measures extremely” as the closure of stations, subways, airports.

Believing that the threat level is not reached, the head of the police assured: “It takes us to keep right and in the state, the posture that we have, we seem to be good.”

Frédéric Péchenard: AQIM, al-Qaeda in the Maghreb, which claimed Tuesday the kidnapping of five French in Niger, “specifically targeted” France, “even if it is not they who will come a bomb” on the French soil.

The track of the female suicide bomber set aside

However, the trail of a female suicide bomber, raised in recent days, is “very credible today,” said the director general of the National Police. Some information came from Algeria had recently mentioned the possibility of a suicide bombing in transport in France with a woman suicide bomber.

According to Frédéric Péchenard, there are currently “two categories of targets in France”, “personalities” including “some moderate Muslim leaders” and crowded places, such as transportation or department stores. North Station – one time mentioned in the media – is no more threatened than other stations, he said.

The fantasy film has delighted the head at the box office thriller by Christopher Nolan.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

recorded 738,442 entries in 534 theaters in its first week of operation. The film produced by the Disney studio, where a sorcerer as an apprentice in order to defeat his nemesis, the head and took the box office for the week of August 11 to 17.

Inception, second

The fantasy film removes


where a burglar stealing the secrets buried in the subconscious of his victims. For its fourth week in theaters, the film director the last two Batman drew 586,579 spectators. Since its release, this thriller starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Marion Cotillard has garnered nearly 3.5 million entries.

The Fantastic Journey of Samy

Another new completed the podium. The animated film stained Ecology The Fantastic Journey of Sammy, which follows the peregrinations of a turtle in search of his childhood sweetheart, totaled more than 450,000 spectators.

He beat another animated film,

Toy Story 3

In which the cowboy Woody and spaceman Buzz Light year face abandonment by their owner had grown up. Ranked second since its release, the action movie crossed with romantic comedy

Night and day

James Mangold back to the fifth position.

The Tree and The Italian

The first French film of the ranking,

The tree metaphor about life and death in which a girl believes that her father was reincarnated as a tree, totaled 122,440 entries in 221 theaters in its first week. Note that the Italian comedy, which Kad Merad poses as an Italian identity to avoid prejudice, has surpassed the one million viewers in four weeks of operation.

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